Wednesday 26 June 2013

WATCH: Hunger and Nutrition – what do we know?

This new animation introduces the Hunger and NutritionCommitment Index (HANCI) which ranks governments on their political commitment to tackling hunger and undernutrition.

HANCI makes it easier for individuals and organisations to see what their government has promised on hunger and undernutrition. It allows them to compare government actions and covers policies and spending of both developing countries and donor countries.

We hope that HANCI will be used to hold governments to account and strengthen demands for better policies and more effective action on hunger and undernutrition. For this to happen, people working on hunger and nutrition need to know that this key information is available.

Please take a look at the website, watch the film and help spread the word by sharing these links with your networks and contacts.

If you are on twitter, here are some suggested tweets:

VIDEO: #Hunger & under #nutrition – what do we know? Now we have the data to hold govts to account #HANCI

New research on what govts are doing on #hunger and #malnutrition can help make sure govts keep their promises #HANCI

HANCI is produced by the Institute of Development Studies with funding from DFID and Irish Aid.